PIZZA POLL: We're Giving away Pizza for a Full Year this Saturday!

PIZZA POLL: We're Giving away Pizza for a Full Year this Saturday!

Flat Rock Speedway with our corporate partner Hungry Howie's is giving away a full year of pizza this Saturday August 3rd!

The Moran Chevrolet Outlaw Super Late Models will return for back-to-back weekends to start off the month of August. The Factory Stock Division will take part in a 25 lap feature along with the National Compact Touring Series, which will make their debut at the speedway. This date will also play the role as a potential rain date for the Stan Yee 150. 

We want to know your opinion on pizza, and there's one big question that we'd like to know your answer to...

We're Giving away Hungry Howie's Pizza for a Year this Saturday! Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza?

Steve Davis

Free pizza for a whole year? Count me in! Can’t wait for Saturday at Flat Rock Speedway—thank you Hungry Howie’s! #PizzaForAYear #FlatRockSpeedway #HungryHowies